Fujimori Sakurahana Osteopathic Clinic (Midoricho, Hachioji City) Pelvic adjustment and traffic accident treatment | In front of Keio Yamada Station Temporomandibular Disorder - 京王高尾線山田駅前のふじもり桜花整骨院【美容鍼、腰痛、加圧トレーニングパーソナルプライベートジム、労災保険治療、交通事故治療院】  

Temporomandibular Disorder

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders We Can Treat

Do You Have These Concerns?

  • The jaw shifts diagonally when opening
  • Fear of yawning
  • Being told you grind your teeth
  • Clicking or popping sounds when moving the jaw
  • A feeling of the jaw catching during meals
  • Pain prevents you from fully opening your mouth

Why Your Symptoms Are Not Improving

Why has your jaw, which once moved freely, suddenly become restricted?
The cause of TMJ disorders isn’t just “overuse of the jaw.” Body misalignment and issues with the autonomic nervous system are also major factors.
Dissecting the bodies of patients with TMJ disorders reveals that in most cases, there are no visible injuries to the jaw joint or surrounding muscles. Did you know that?

In other words, TMJ disorders are often caused by imbalances due to cervical or postural misalignment, as well as stress-induced pain from disruptions in the autonomic nervous system.
Such examinations beyond the jaw joint are outside the expertise of dental clinics.
To identify the cause and provide fundamental treatment, it’s essential to address not just the jaw joint but the entire body.

About TMJ Disorder Symptoms

The three major symptoms of TMJ disorders are:
● Jaw pain
● Clicking or popping sounds in the jaw
● Difficulty opening the mouth
These symptoms are often accompanied by complaints of shoulder stiffness and headaches.
These issues usually result from habitual behaviors that strain the jaw joint.

Stress-related clenching or teeth grinding can damage the jaw joint, while chewing habits and poor posture can lead to cranial and bodily misalignment.

Symptoms such as headaches, stomach pain related to the autonomic nervous system, neck, shoulder, and back pain, and even sciatica are often present alongside TMJ disorders.

Here’s an explanation of why these symptoms occur.

Causes of TMJ Disorders

Front Line

Muscles are interconnected over a large area by thin membranes called “fascia.”
The fascia on the front of the body, known as the “front line,” connects the jaw joint to the abdominal muscles and diaphragm that envelop the internal organs.

When there is misalignment in the neck or shoulders, it affects the area from the temples to the jaw, as shown in the diagram. This misalignment can also influence the internal organs and autonomic nervous system, leading to pain.

Stress-Induced Pain from Autonomic Nervous System Imbalances

It’s widely known that imbalances in the autonomic nervous system can lead to pain.

Clenching or poor blood circulation often places indirect stress on the jaw joint. For cases where a dental clinic’s mouthguard doesn’t resolve the issue, we’ve found that addressing the autonomic nervous system frequently brings significant relief.

Understanding and addressing these underlying causes is crucial for the comprehensive improvement of TMJ disorders.