Fujimori Sakurahana Osteopathic Clinic (Midoricho, Hachioji City) Pelvic adjustment and traffic accident treatment | In front of Keio Yamada Station Pressurized Training Personal - 京王高尾線山田駅前のふじもり桜花整骨院【美容鍼、腰痛、加圧トレーニングパーソナルプライベートジム、労災保険治療、交通事故治療院】  

Pressurized Training Personal

What is Kaatsu Training?

Kaatsu training is a muscle training method that uses specialized belts to apply pressure to the base of the arms and legs, restricting blood flow. This unique training technique quickly induces a low-oxygen state in the muscles, effectively stimulating muscle fibers that are not usually engaged. As a result, it enables efficient training with low loads and in a short time, gaining popularity in recent years.

Over the past 50 years, through various trials and refinements, the theory of Kaatsu training has been established, and it is now widely utilized in clinical and sports settings worldwide.

Effects of Kaatsu Training on the Body

Because high effects can be achieved with light loads, it is easy to continue training. Additionally, it reduces the risk of injury, making it accessible for people of all ages.
Repeating pressure and release restores elasticity to blood vessels. Improved blood circulation increases metabolism, helping to alleviate conditions such as cold sensitivity and shoulder stiffness.
Studies suggest that Kaatsu training accelerates the recovery of injuries such as fractures, muscle strains, and sprains. Growth hormones are believed to aid in muscle and ligament repair.
Research has shown that Kaatsu Cycle® training can stimulate growth hormone secretion up to 290 times the normal level. This hormone helps restore skin elasticity and firmness while reducing fat accumulation.
Kaatsu Cycle® training increases growth hormone levels, leading to a body that is less prone to gaining weight. Additionally, as muscle mass increases through training, the body becomes more efficient at burning fat.

Mechanism of KAATSU Training

Mechanism of Muscle Strength Improvement

KAATSU training is performed while moderately restricting blood flow, which generates lactic acid even with a light load, surpassing that of high-load training. As a result, a large amount of growth hormone is secreted. The growth hormone carried by the bloodstream spreads throughout the body, breaking down fat and building muscle not only in the arms and legs where blood flow is restricted but also throughout the entire body. The secretion of growth hormone peaks about 15 minutes after KAATSU training, allowing for significant effects in a short time. This amount of growth hormone secretion is significantly higher than when training without KAATSU.

KAATSU training effects

Mechanism of Blood Circulation Improvement

When appropriate pressure is applied to the base of the arms and legs, restricting the amount of blood, blood can enter but has difficulty exiting, allowing blood to flow into capillaries that are usually not used. As a result, oxygen reaches every corner of the cells.

Furthermore, when the pressure is released, a large amount of blood rushes out at once. At this time, waste products that were blocking the blood vessels are swiftly removed from within the blood vessels.

By rejuvenating blood vessels and improving circulation, KAATSU training helps alleviate cold sensitivity, shoulder stiffness, and dark circles under the eyes.

Mechanism of Growth Hormone Secretion

By exercising while moderately restricting blood flow, fast-twitch muscle fibers are activated, causing a significant increase in the concentration of lactic acid in the blood. Since blood flow is restricted, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles instead of being transported away. When lactic acid accumulates in the blood, sensory nerves in the muscles detect it, and the hypothalamus in the brain signals the pituitary gland to secrete a large amount of growth hormone.

Growth hormone secretion during KAATSU training is approximately 10 times that of regular training and more than 100 times that at rest. This large amount of growth hormone circulates throughout the body via the bloodstream, acting on fat cells to break down triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.

In other words, the more growth hormone is secreted, the more body fat is broken down, promoting fat burning, enhancing skin elasticity, and helping maintain a youthful body.

KAATSU Training Equipment

KAATSU training uses equipment certified by KAATSU JAPAN Corporation. Certified instructors provide guidance on the proper use of the equipment.

KAATSU Training at Our Clinic

Experts with national medical qualifications provide precise KAATSU training guidance. Training is conducted one-on-one, utilizing expertise in skeletal structure and muscles to offer optimal training considering each individual’s skeletal misalignment and muscle balance.

Our clinic not only provides KAATSU training but also offers comprehensive support. We emphasize total care, including lifestyle and dietary guidance tailored to each patient. Our specialized staff create individualized plans based on health goals and lifestyle, providing continuous support.

Revising lifestyle and dietary habits is as important as KAATSU training itself. Our clinic’s nutritionists and counselors offer dietary guidance and lifestyle advice tailored to each patient, supporting a step toward a healthier life. A healthy body and mind are achieved through continuous care. We take our patients’ health improvement seriously and assist with a holistic approach. Feel free to consult us if you are interested.

KAATSU Training Q&A