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Hip pain

Symptoms of Hip Pain That Can Be Improved at Our Clinic

Do You Have These Concerns?

  • I’ve been concerned about the stiffness in my hip for years
  • There is a difference in how I walk or how my hips open
  • My hip makes a popping sound
  • I’ve been experiencing hip pain for more than 3 months
  • My legs start to go numb when sitting
  • The hip hurts when sitting or standing up
  • Doctors have told me there are no issues with the bones

Why Your Hip Pain Isn’t Improving

If you’ve been using pain patches or going for massages but haven’t seen improvement, the reason could be that the root cause of the pain is not being addressed.

A potential reason for the lack of improvement could be that the muscles related to hip movement, such as the iliopsoas and gluteus medius, are not functioning properly, causing friction between the femur and the hip joint.

If there is only a slight restriction in range of motion, relaxing the muscles might help. However, joint pain, even from walking or standing, can still persist, making it difficult to improve with only massages. When muscles are tense and unable to relax, discomfort and limited range of motion are felt when performing joint movements, such as difficulty opening the hip compared to the healthy side.

People with this condition typically have poor posture, large differences in muscle strength between sides, or a tendency to maintain the same position throughout the day, leading to an imbalance. The reason your hip pain isn’t improving could be that the hip joint is under excessive stress from such factors.

Symptoms of Hip Pain

Hip pain is so uncomfortable that it can make it difficult to concentrate throughout the day. Simple movements like standing, sitting, and walking trigger discomfort in the hip joint.

The pain or discomfort you feel might change depending on whether it is on the front or outside of the hip joint. Both areas play an important role in supporting your body, and the pain can extend to the lower back or knees as well.

Also, because the joint is unstable, you might shift your weight more to the “healthy” side, which makes your movements look unnatural to others. If this state persists chronically, daily activities become painful, making it hard to focus on work or house chores.

Causes of Hip Pain

Hip pain is proportional to imbalance. To maintain body balance, not only must muscles be flexible, but there must also be adequate strength.

When viewed from the side, do you have any of the following posture habits?

If you have any of these postures or habits, it indicates that your body’s balance is off, and the stress on your hip joint has become excessive.