Fujimori Sakurahana Osteopathic Clinic (Midoricho, Hachioji City) Pelvic adjustment and traffic accident treatment | In front of Keio Yamada Station STAFF - 京王高尾線山田駅前のふじもり桜花整骨院【美容鍼、腰痛、加圧トレーニングパーソナルプライベートジム、労災保険治療、交通事故治療院】  


We would like to introduce our staff. Our nationally qualified staff will provide you with safe treatment.

Director Takaaki Kawasetsu

National and Private Certifications

  • Judo Therapist (National Qualification License)
  • Pressure trainer
  • Health Rhythm Counselor
  • Lifestyle Rhythm Advisor
  • Sports Food Specialist
  • Ingrown Toenail Correction Specialist
  • Sleep Improvement Therapist

Greeting to Our Patients

In the past, I worked at osteopathic clinics in Tokyo and Kanagawa. I personally enjoy exercising and often go to the gym, where I continuously learn about how to use muscles and joints effectively. I also practice dietary therapy to build or tone my body and can provide advice on what kind of diet suits you best. Feel free to consult with me anytime.

At my previous clinic, I had many opportunities to treat models and athletes. Therefore, I aim to focus on addressing body imbalances from daily life and pain around muscles and joints caused by sports activities. I hope to assist patients in achieving a healthier and better body.


National and Private Certifications

  • Acupuncturist (National Certification License)

Greeting to Our Patients

Through treatments, I strive to increase the smiles of our patients and be of service to them every day. From the perspectives of exercise, nutrition, and rest, I provide appropriate advice regarding the condition of your body and hope to assist you in maintaining your health.


National and Private Certifications

  • Acupuncturist (National Certification License)
  • Nurse (National Certification License)
  • Certified Beauty Acupuncturist by the Japan Medical Aesthetic Acupuncture Association

Greeting to Our Patients

I want people to say they’re glad they met me! I’ll do my best to make everyone I interact with smile.


National and Private Certifications

  • Acupuncturist (National Certification License)

Greeting to Our Patients

I aim to help each patient regain their physical condition by utilizing the knowledge and techniques I have learned so far, tailored to their individual symptoms. I also provide advice on lifestyle habits and daily movements, and support a better life.