Fujimori Sakurahana Osteopathic Clinic (Midoricho, Hachioji City) Pelvic adjustment and traffic accident treatment | In front of Keio Yamada Station WEB reservation - 京王高尾線山田駅前のふじもり桜花整骨院【美容鍼、腰痛、加圧トレーニングパーソナルプライベートジム、労災保険治療、交通事故治療院】  

WEB reservation

Please read the following information before making a reservation
If you are making a reservation online, please enter your information in the form below and submit it.
A reservation request email will be sent to the email address you provide.
* Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
  1. Fill out the form
  2. Check the reservation request email
  3. Reservation confirmed

※ If you do not receive an email, please check your spam folder.

※ After the staff reviews your reservation email, we will contact you back (via phone or email).

※ Your reservation will be confirmed upon receiving our response.

    • Reception*

    • Treatment menu*

    • Preferred date*

    • Desired start time*

    • Gender*