Fujimori Sakurahana Osteopathic Clinic (Midoricho, Hachioji City) Pelvic adjustment and traffic accident treatment | In front of Keio Yamada Station ABOUT - 京王高尾線山田駅前のふじもり桜花整骨院【美容鍼、腰痛、加圧トレーニングパーソナルプライベートジム、労災保険治療、交通事故治療院】  



The body maintains physiological stability through three pillars.

At our clinic, we not only take care of your body by loosening your muscles and correcting skeletal distortions,

①Food ②Sleep ③Exercise

Treatment will include these three pieces of guidance and advice.

Reservation process

STEP 1 / Reservation

Please feel free to contact us by phone or through the form.

STEP 2 / Visit the hospital

Our staff will greet you with a smile. Please do not forget to bring your health insurance card.
If this is your first visit, please fill out a medical questionnaire.

STEP 3 / Counseling

In order to provide treatment tailored to each patient, we will first listen carefully to your needs.

STEP 4 / Treatment

A variety of treatments and procedures are carried out.

STEP 5 / Explanation of symptoms after treatment and treatment plan

We will check the changes before and after treatment. Finally, we will explain your symptoms, distortion, and future visits.

STEP 6 / Next appointment

We will advise you of the appropriate treatment intervals.

Message from the Director

I used to work at osteopathic clinics in Tokyo and Kanagawa.
I like to exercise in my private time and often go to the gym to learn how to use my muscles and joints. I also practice diet therapy to make my body bigger and slimmer, so I will give you advice on what kind of diet suits you, so please feel free to consult with me. At my previous clinic, I had many opportunities to see models and athletes, so I would like to mainly treat body distortions in private life and pain around muscles and joints due to sports. I hope to help my patients in their quest to build a better body.